Aldus Photostyler For Windows 8

Aldus Photostyler For Windows 8 5,0/5 1804 votes

Nov 29, 2017 - Aldus PhotoStyler, from 1991, was the first 24 bit image editor for Windows – running on Windows 3.0 – and the SE edition was usually.

Hey all - this was a toss up between A/V and Software Colloquium. But, here we go.

I'm not a l33t photosh0p hax0r by any means but I do have one program that I dearly love - Aldus Photostyler 2.0. It came bundled with a Creative product many moons ago and I still have never found an image editing proggie I like better. However - the CD is getting old and someday I'm sure it will be unreadable. I'm going to copy it but I'd also like to have an installable file on my HD - it's not a big program, just old. Any idea where to find a copy online - or even maybe a newer version?? I've searched Google(which hates me, BTW) but I've found nothing.

Ditto on cnet/download/tucows, etc. Maybe I'm just out of luck and it's too old. Jb21 PS - anyone else out there that uses Photostyler feel free to chime in and extoll its virtues! In my humble opinion, Adobe has gained a--deservedly--bad reputation because of their horrible price gouging strategy. However, Adobe PhotoShop Elements is an absolute bargain (I bought my copy for $79--before sending in the $20 upgrade rebate) for one simple fact: It utilizes multiple processors! Igi 2 covert strike serial. No other consumer-level program seems to be able to match that single capability. In comparison, I bought Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 (Version 2) a little over a year ago for $99, and while it incorporates a great deal of functionality coupled with ease of use, it lacks multiprocessor capability and it's supposed 'PhotoShop plugin functionality' has never worked for me (which was the main reason I went out and bought PhotoShop Elements).

Sure, I now own PhotoShop 6 in addition to PhotoShop Elements, but I haven't found any great difference (in basic use) between the two to warrant the extreme price difference. By the way, I only bought PhotoShop 6 because I couldn't pass up the deal, which was the entire Adobe Web Collection software package (PhotoShop, Illustrator, Go Live and LiveMotion) for $286 via an academic discount.


It even brought user manuals--I can't even remember the last time that happened.