Sopcast Smart Tv Samsung

Sopcast Smart Tv Samsung 3,6/5 2548 votes
Sopcast su smart tv samsung

* Smart service and GUI(Graphic User Interface) may vary by model and region. * Agreement of the Smart Hub Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy is required before use. * Compatible OS(Operating System) or app required. * Users with models previous to the Galaxy S6 or other mobile brands need to download the SmartThings app through application store. * Shape of TV and remote may differ depending on model and region. * The content within the screen are simulated images and are for demonstration purposes only.

* GUI(Graphic User Interface), design, features and specifications subject to change without notice.

Nrjlasa, your TV most likely has dlna support and MediaPlay. You need to configure media server on your local machine, any PC within the network. Lets say it's IP is TV IP is Ping works both ways and Network Test passed OK on the TV. Gps On the PC, install for example Home Media Server (this is russian tool there should be other media servers, from Nero for instance (or nitotv).

Mar 27, 2015 - Install SoapCast - or 3. Open some stream with SoapCast. Open Servio console - select. Download erwin data modeler.


Configure Client and Server on it, configure your media libraries - than you would be able to watch media files from your PC on Sams TV (video, audio, pictures). And finally configure Internet TV on Home Media Center by adding URL. SopCast should be doing local re-stream. Than on Samsung click on MediaPlay, choose appropriate device (your PC machine), click on videos, than on internet. And run URL you configured. You would not be able to control the stream from Sams TV, just from PC though.